Industrial and Corporate Parks
Featured Items
Category: Industrial Parks
On Site Detail
- Total Acreage:190.6 acres
- Price Per Acre: Negotiable
- Zoning: I-1, Light Industrial
- Location: USR 68, 3 miles south of the City of Springfield
- 4 miles from Interstate 70
- Located on State Route 68
- 24 miles from Dayton International Airport
- Adjacent to Springfield Municipal Airport
Other Comments
Topography is level. Phase I environmental available. Sale price is negotiable. State tax credits available based upon significant job creation. Airport is accessible from industrial park.
- Alligator Air
- Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
- MEVA Formwork Systems, Inc.
- Millard Distribution
- SpectraJet
- United Fiberglass Inc.
Category: Industrial Parks
On Site Detail
- Total Acreage: 0 acres available, 400 acre complex
- Price Per Acre: Negotiable
- Zoning: M-1, General Manufacturing
- Location: State Route 41 and Interstate 70 at the SE corner of the City of Springfield
- Located at the intersection of Interstate 70 and State Route 41 (Four Lane Highway)
- Interstate 75 approximately 20 minutes west
- Interstate 71 approximately 30 minutes south
- Approximately 30 minutes from the Dayton International Airport
- 12 miles from Springfield Municipal Airport
Other Comments
Topography is level. Phase I environmental available. State tax credits are available based upon significant job creation. Fourteen firms have already located at PrimeOhio with over 2,300 jobs created.
Category: Industrial Parks
On Site Detail
- Total Acreage: 184 acres available
- Price Per Acre: $42,000
- Zoning: Springfield Township I-2, General Industrial
- Location: State Route 41 and Interstate 70 at the SE corner of the City of Springfield
- Located at the intersection of Interstate 70 and State Route 41 (Four Lane Highway)
- Interstate 75 approximately 20 minutes west
- Interstate 71 approximately 30 minutes south
- Approximately 30 minutes from the Dayton International Airport
- 12 miles from Springfield Municipal Airport
Other Comments
Topography is level. Environmental reports completed and available. State and municipal tax credits are available based upon significant job creation.
Category: Industrial Parks
On Site Detail
- Total Acreage: 54 acres
- Price Per Acre: $13,100
- Zoning: M-1, General Manufacturing
- Location: East of Selma Road, north of Leffel Lane, within the City of Springfield
- 2 miles from Interstate 70
- 2 miles from State Route 72
- 25 miles from Dayton International Airport
- 3 miles from Springfield Municipal Airport
Other Comments
Possible Abatements Available. Located within the City's Enterprise Zone. Phase I environmental completed. Job credits and municipal income tax credits are available based upon significant job creation.
- Akzo
- Armoloy of Ohio
- Dillon Industries
- Fisher Beverage
- Raven Industries, Inc.
- Rollins Warehousing
- Triec Electric
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