Financing and Rate Reductions
Pledge Loan Program (City of Springfield Only)
A low interest-lending program is available for most business development uses through cost of the City’s lending institutions. This program is similar to the State’s Linked Deposit Program. It is targeted toward building or site reuse or job retention and creation.
Springfield Targeted Investment Loan Fund (City of Springfield Only)
This program provides direct loans to manufacturers, wholesalers, and large scale retail projects in targeted areas of the City of Springfield. Conventional bank standards apply. The company must demonstrate the need for a subsidy and verify the creation/retention of one job for every $20,000 received. Prevailing wages apply for construction.
Springfield City Revolving Loan Program (City of Springfield Only)
Direct loans of up to 33% of the total project cost are available to manufacturers, retail and service companies. Conventional bank standards apply. A company must demonstrate the need for a subsidy and verify the creation/retention of one job for every $10,000 received. Prevailing wages apply for construction.
Clark County Revolving Loan Program
Direct loans to for-profit manufacturers, retailers or service businesses in Clark County, Ohio. Conventional bank standards apply. Flexible rates and terms.
SBA 504 Loan Program
Direct loans to established businesses in Ohio for land and building acquisition, expansion, renovation and equipment purchases.
Micro Enterprise Pilot Loan Program (City of Springfield Only)
Loans are provided to start-up and newly formed small businesses known as micro-enterprises. Financial assistance is available to supplement working capital to promote business success. Direct loans of up to $5,000 available for micro enterprises (less than five employees) located in the City of Springfield. Typically given to new and start-up businesses.